June 21, 2012

Art Inspiration: Yulia Brodskaya

Artist: Yulia Brodskaya 

When creatively drained, I find it helps to just see what other people are doing and get inspired through their work. Lately I've been obsessing over paper art and love the work of young Russian artist Yulia Brodskaya.

Yulia Brodskaya has mastered the art of quilling, a technique using rolled strips of paper to design illustrations or text. I've always been interested in paper making and collage and stationary and all things paper related, but after stumbling upon her work, I gained a whole new appreciation for the commonly overlooked medium. One thing that really stood out to me about her work is how perceptually dynamic each finished piece can potentially be. 

"Being a three dimensional object, the artwork offers multiple views depending on the angle of perception and the intensity and direction of lighting. These things can drastically change the visual experiences and emotional message of the same artwork." 
-- artyulia.com

Some of my favorites of her work: 


June 11, 2012

The East Brunswick Fine Arts Show

Messy with Charm Aprons, $25

Yesterday was the art show in East Brunswick at the municipal center pond. Was a lot of fun! This was my first show and it went very well. I may do another one in a couple weeks...we will see. Some artists don't bother with art shows because they think the income at the end of the day isn't worth all of the work that goes into it. It's true -- shows are a lot of work. My mom had a ceramic booth (I'll post pictures of her stuff later) and we were both up super late/early the night before packing things, finishing up last minute pieces, figuring out the display set up, and folding up the EZ-ups (that aren't entirely so easy to set up). 

Even though prep time can be painstaking, I still enjoy art shows and think it would be a good experience to do one again. I also liked hearing feedback from the people buying my stuff -- they gave me some good ideas and advice. I never thought of art shows as being so resourceful, but they are actually good networking opportunities. You can stash hand fulls of business cards, meet tons of people and talk to tons of artists working in similar or entirely different mediums. 

After all of the positive feedback at the show...I decided to make an ETSY shop. Barely anything is up yet...but if you're feeling curious you can find La ti Doe items at:

Some other La ti Doe items at the show (and soon to be on etsy):

the Cute as a Button Collection

Small Earrings, $3

In the Middle earrings, $5

Large Earrings, $7

Thought Books
$5 or 3 for $12

Stationary, $7

Hair Flowers, $5-7